Arniston Bay – Chenin Blanc Chardonnay

This fresh and very aromatic Chenin Blanc Chardonnay fills your glass with exciting and voluptuous flavors right to the brim.

Background :
Arniston Bay is a place where the pace of life is
slow. Where you can sit back, relax and soak up
the South African sun. It’s a place so special, it
inspired a wine. It doesn’t matter who or where
you are, you can always enjoy a quiet moment
from a busy lifestyle – an Arniston Bay moment –
with a glass of Arniston Bay.

The winemaking :
The grapes were harvested at optimum ripeness
during the cool morning periods. Left on the press
only for a few hours to extract the vibrant and rich
colour. Only free run juice was used and
fermented until dry with active cultured yeast.

Winemaker’s comments :
This fresh and very aromatic Chenin Blanc
Chardonnay fills your glass with exciting and
voluptuous flavours right to the brim. Fresh, ripe
tropical flavours are prominent on the nose and
entices you to go back for more. The wine enters
the palate with freshness and a well-balanced
acidity that support the everlasting fruitiness of this
anything-but-shy Chenin Blanc Chardonnay.
Citrus, lime and white guava flavours coat the
palate to leave a long and tantalising aftertaste.

Maturation potential :
This wine is ready to be enjoyed now and will
mature for a further 2 years.

Food pairing :
This wine pairs well with salads and seafood dishes.

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